step in

step instep in1.干涉, 介入The police are reluctant to step in.警察不愿插手干预。Father stepped in and forbade me to go camping.父亲干涉, 禁止我去野营。2.进入; 涉足We had to step in mud over our ankles.我们必须进入没脚的泥塘。

step in1.走进:to step in the meeting-house步入会场2.串门,登门造访:Here we are, this is my house. Why don't you step in?我们到了,这就是我家,进来坐一会儿吧!3.伸脚穿进:to step in the slippers伸脚穿上拖鞋4.插手,介入,干涉:Seeing such a situation, I had to step in.看到这种情况,我不得不出来解围了。to step in with an offer of weapons提供武器进行干预

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